FJYC Dinghy Boat Parade


The Labor Day Weekend Annual Dinghy Boat Parade will be held on Sunday, September 3rd.  The theme is "Thank You for the Music".  There is a sign-up poster in the clubhouse and the registration form is attached.  Please be sure to join in the fun!!

Dock & String-Tie Setup

Docks go in the water on Wed 4/24 and will be held on A row moorings. Docks will be put into place at pier and string-tie setup on Sat 4/26. Until setup is complete, club access is via the pier and ladder! Be careful!

Cabins and Galley Cleaning

Normal clean up points will be awarded.  Please reach out to Diana Harvey via text or email at (951) 315-6875 / [email protected] if you're interested! Lunch and Dinner will be provided on Saturday and a light breakfast will also be provided on Sunday morning. Drinks will be provided for the entire weekend.