Club Events


$17.00 Adult or Junior Member dining in the Clubhouse
$9.00 Junior dining at the Peppermint Pavilion
$19.00 Adult or Junior Guest in the Clubhouse

Major Holiday Weekends & Labor Day Beach Party
$28.00 Adult or Junior Guest in the Clubhouse
$17.00 Junior Guest at Peppermint Pavilion

Please Note: On the major holiday weekends (Memorial Day, July 4th & Labor Day) Dinner Charges for guests are increased. Also, should a member or guest share in the hors d’oeuvres served in conjunction with the porch party without continuing through the dinner line, the member will be charged for the dinner(s).

• Please sign up for the party as soon as possible, and no later than 1400 hrs. (2:00 p.m.), to give the Party O.D. and Club Manager an idea of amount of food to prepare for dinner.
• On party days, please stay clear of the Clubhouse Galley and Dining Room after 1400 hrs. (2:00 p.m.).
• On party evenings, docking space is critical. Dinghies over 13 1/2 feet are not allowed on Saturdays, Sundays, or Holiday weekends. Please use long painters, minimum the boat’s length. Valet Service is provided on major holiday weekends.
• Parties start at 1830 hrs. (6:30 p.m.) with the firing of the cannon or sounding of the conch.
• Name Tags: Members please use Red trimmed tags and Guests use Blue.
• Sorry, tables may not be reserved prior to going through the dinner line. Also, please clear your space when finished, so those who follow will have room to dine.