Welcome to this year’s FJYC, 2025 reservation sign-ups. The period for initial reservation requests open to all members in good standing will begin on Friday, February 1st, 2025 and remain open through Saturday, March 1st, 2025. Reservation forms are attached to this e-mail. Additional information about the reserved areas referenced above can be found in the “Cabins and Rentals” section of the FJYC website.
Our initial reservation sign-up requests for the upcoming season are prioritized based on total points accumulated by each member. Here is the process:
Fully completed request forms are due in hand to the Port Captain by March 1st, 2025. E-mail is best and can be sent to [email protected]. However, U.S. (snail) mail is also available; but March 1st is the deadline. The address for snail mail is Joey Harmon, 1050 S Miles CT, Anaheim CA 92808.
Requests received by March 1st will be assigned based on total points accumulated as of that date.
Only members in good standing with no outstanding account balance of any kind with the Club may have request forms processed. Being a member in good standing also includes having earned at least two (2) points during the preceding two (2) years.
While most of us have met the two-point criteria and have zero balance accounts, please contact club [email protected] in advance of submitting a reservation request for confirmation of a zero balance if there is any doubt.
The attached forms for your Cabin Rental Request, String Tie, Dinghy Rack, Kayak Rack, Storage Box Rack rental need be used to be considered for a reservation during the February 1st to March 1st points-priority sign up period.
Cabin Request Excel Doc
Cabin Request PDF
String Tie-Kayak-Dinghy-Storage Excel Doc
String Tie-Kayak-Dinghy-Storage PDF
String Tie Waiver Word Doc
String Tie Waiver PDF
Reservation process after March 1st, 2025, and going forward:
Request forms received after March 1st will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis based on availability and without regard to accumulated points. Reservation requests submitted throughout the season, reservation changes, and reservation cancellations must also always be submitted on the reservation system.
We will be using the new on-line cabin reservation system for in-fill cabin reservations for this season.
Concerning all reservations:
Take a few minutes to re-visit House Rules for Fourth of July Yacht Club Members and Guests for additional rules and procedures regarding the reservation of cabins, string tie, the dinghy rack, the kayak rack and storage boxes. House Rules are found in the Roster.
Leaving a cabin or rented space cleaner than you found when heading for home or vacating a space is one of the most important things to keep in mind and do.
Again, all requests to be in writing. E-mail is best, but only if sent to [email protected]. Messages to my personal e-mail can’t be guaranteed timely. Even if mentioned verbally to the Port Captain, the request can only be acted upon when received in writing.
Cabin requests for Fat Camp and Isle of Man will be made at the time of the event registration and will be assigned by a representative of the committees responsible for those events. All other cabin requests are to be made through the Port Captain.
Cabin rental rates for 2025
Sunday Through Thursday:
Cabins 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 5, 6, 7 and 8 (3 Beds)
Right Pillbox (4 Beds)
Cabins 3 and 4 (6 and 7 Beds)
Left Pillbox (6 Beds)
Tents 1 and 2 (4 Beds)
Friday, Saturday, and Holidays:
Cabins 1A. 1B, 2A, 2B, 5, 6, 7 and 8 (3 Beds)
Right Pillbox (4 Beds)
Cabins 3 and 4 (6 and 7 Beds)
Left Pillbox (6 Beds)
Tents 1 and 2 (4 Beds)
Cabin reservations for the three (3) Holiday Weekends (Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Labor Day) that are canceled at any time will be billed to the canceling member unless the particular cabin is re-rented. Cabin reservations for any other time may be canceled with no charge provided the member gives the Port Captain at least thirty (30) advance written notice of cancellation.
Members canceling less than thirty (30) days in advance will be charged the full amount of the reservation unless the Club does not suffer any loss of rental income as a result of the late cancellation.
There will be a waiting list established after the initial cabin assignments are made, which will be updated throughout the season.
Concerning string tie boat location and assignments, please note that House Rule XIX (E)8 provides that “all spaces on the string tie will be newly assigned each year based on the Points System. No member shall have a grandfathered right to retain either a spot or a particular position on the string tie”. In addition, we must have your boats insurance and registration information with your requests.
String tie, dinghy rack, kayak rack and storage box space rental rates for 2025:
14 ft and under
Over 14 ft
Dinghy Rack:
Kayak Rack:
Storage Box:
Our agreement with the Island Company entitles the Club to exclusive use at the Cove between April 15 and October 15. We can have additional use for up to 14 days off-season. If you would like to make plans to stay at the Club before April 15th or after October 15th, please let me know by email. We can then work with the Island Company to coordinate your requested dates.
Looking forward to a great season together!
Joey Harmon
2025 Port Captain, FJYC
[email protected]